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    Hansel and Gretel(上)|and

    时间:2018-12-24 16:50:11 来源:达达文档网 本文已影响 达达文档网手机站

      (1)evil 邪恶的,恶毒的
      (2)stepmother 后母,继母。那么你知道“继父”怎么说吗?
      (3)woods 森林
      (4)faraway 遥远的
      (5)plan 计划
      (6)cry out 哭出来
      (7)hidden 藏(原形是hide:你知道hide- and- seek 是什么意思吗?)
      (8)shiny 发光的
      (9)grip 掌握
      (11)trip 路途
      (12)shadow 阴影
      (14)pebble 小石头
      (15)glow 发光
      (16)awoke 叫醒(原形awake)
      (17)stale 不新鲜的
      Hansel and Gretel lived long ago with their father and evil(1) stepmother(2). They lived in the woods(3): poor as could be: with no food for the sister or brother.
      The stepmother said: “ The children and I: deep: deep into the woods we will go. I will leave them behind in a faraway(4) place--- their way home they never will know.”
      “Your plan(5) is too cruel*:” the father said. “An idea like this is all wrong.”
      But one look from his wife: cold as a knife: and the father just went along.
      Hansel and Gretel had heard the plan and Gretel cried out(6): “What shall we do?” Hansel was brave: “Don’t worry:” he said: “I’ll let nothing happen to you. I’ve hidden(7)these shiny(8):bright stones away from our stepmother’s grip(9). I’ll drop*them along our path*in the woods and they’ll map out* the course(10) of our trip(11).”
      Next morning their stepmother told them: “There’s work in the woods to be done.” So Hansel and Gretel followed her in and Hansel dropped stones one-by-one* .
      When evening time came with its shadows(12): their stepmother left them alone. But as the moon rose(13): the pebbles(14) glowed(15): leading Hansel and Gretel right home!
      Their father was glad when he saw them and he tucked them both safely in bed. But next morning Stepmother awoke(16) them: and gave them stale(17) pieces of bread.
      Then back to the forest she led them--- and this time: it was bread Hansel tossed(18) ! But the birds of the forest were hungry: and now Hansel and Gretel were lost*!
      (to be continued)*

    相关热词搜索: Hansel Gretel

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