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    时间:2020-08-25 08:15:32 来源:达达文档网 本文已影响 达达文档网手机站


     她是一名普通中学的班主任老师,现年36岁,本科学历,中教一级。所带班级曾多次被学校评为先进班级,个人两次受扬中市人事局嘉奖,所撰写论文 《教会学生学习的技能》参加“创新教育理论与教学实践研究”征文比赛,在所论及的领域具有一定的创新水平和实践探索意义,荣获二等奖并被结集出版。




     在新的社会环境之下,学生的思想工作难度较大,尤其是流动学生的问题,关乎社会的方方面面。她曾有这样一位女学生,家庭经济困难,父母离异,主要跟奶奶过。初二的时候分到她的班上,由于没有父母的温暖,又受到社会一些不良因素的诱惑,加上家庭经济困难经常交不上各种费用,导致王同学产生了厌学的情绪,多次无故旷课。该同学家距离学校很远,她下班后多次找到该生家里,和她谈心;有几次王同学离家出走,她就坐着同事的摩托车到处找她。有一次,王同学离家出走两个星期,徐老师费了九牛二虎之力总算把她找了回来,她不敢回家,徐老师就先把她送到她姑姑家,已是半夜,她又亲自上门做她父亲的思想工作。王同学总算同意到校上课了,此后的一 些费用,大部分都是她代她交了。她还经常找她谈心,继续关心她的思想动态。也许被她的执着精神所感动,有一次王同学流着泪对她说:老师,我家里穷,父母离婚,别人都看不起我,只有你不嫌弃我,那么多次到我家里请我来上课……我一定要坚持上完初中才对得起你……她用“爱”温暖了王同学的心,挽留了一个在孤独和失望中徘徊的少年,也有效的为学校“控流保学”工作目标的顺利完成做出了一定的贡献。

     作为农村学校,学生的家庭背景较为复杂,家长的学历层次较城区家长还是有较大差别的,这无形之间也加大了教育教学工作的难度。学生的学习基础也不尽如人意,所以学生中后进生还是占一定比例的。为了提高班级整体的学习水平,她精心备课,在教师中做好表率,同时协调好各任课老师的关系,重担自己主动分担,赢得了搭班老师的理解和支持。如何做好后进生的转化工作,她的确感触很深。其实问题的关键是根据学生的个性对症下药,耐心加爱心,基本就能解决问题了。她曾经遇到这样的一名学生,脑子是大家公认的灵活,但上课就是不能做到注意力集中,和同学讲话,影响到同学听课和老师上课,作业还经常不做。遇到这样的学生,的确她也很头疼,她经过冷静的思考,心中有了自己的想法。该同学在她的英语课上表现还是不错的,她决定从表扬开始,先置学生、老师们的异议于不顾。课上经常喊他回答问题,表扬他听课认真。由于他的聪明,很快他的英语成绩有了大幅度的提高。但同学们还是反映他在别的课上讲话。她依然在班会课上只表扬他的进步,只字不提其他。课后,她经常和他谈心,还让他中午管纪律,一下子他的积极性有了很大的提高。有一次,他在课上和物理老师顶嘴,被老师赶到她这里叫家长。他的父亲脾气很坏,经常打骂他。她并没有立刻打电话给他的父亲,也没有批评他,而是耐心地与他谈心。她帮他向物理老师遮掩了叫父亲一事, 并说服他向物理老师道歉。徐老师认为,作为老师应该更多的站到学生的角度思考问题,不能把他们偶尔的一次错误无限的扩大,这样反而更能赢得他们的心。这件事情之后,他对她的态度比从前更好了,甚至有点言听计从的感觉。期中考试后,他的成绩明显有了提高,她力排众异,把他作为她们班的进步生报到了学校。当校广播里期中表彰时报到他的名字时,他坐在位子上低下了头,有些羞涩和欣喜。她看了,真的很开心,她看到了一个久违的表情出现在一个所谓的后进生脸上。他变了,讲话少了,爱思考了,各方面都有了明显的进步,连他的父母也非常惊讶。后来,他竟然考上普通高中,至今还与她保持着联系。后进生的工作,需要的是加倍的耐心,弄不好往往容易半途而废。这个学生的转化成功更坚定了她坚持以正确方法和保持恒久耐心做好后进生转化工作的决心。


     sincerely, smooth mass appeal channels expression channels, do conflict investigation and the product to resolve the backlog work, maintain social stability, enhance the sense of security, improve the satisfaction degree, let the masses feel the social fairness and justice.(three) efforts to solve the problem of contact service masses "last mile"In order to strengthen the construction of service-oriented grassroots party organization as the starting point, focus on grasping the party building, to maintain stability, promote development, to further promote the vanguard of Hui Hui's people's livelihood, actions, and lay a solid foundation of innovation. The service of the masses organization party organization set up, take the mining village enterprises, the construction of "" multinational joint building "," regional construction "industry chain branch etc., continuous optimization of grassroots party organizations, Party organizations and expand the coverage of work covered. Grasp grasp leader team construction, conscientiously implement the provincial Party committee" on the further strengthening of the village Party Secretary team building meeting >, optimal selection with strong village leaders, and strengthen college-graduate village official (Village The Ministry of Education) and tracking management, focus on building a strong sense of service, service ability and strong team, grass-roots party organization Secretary style of service good. Do the development of Party member, strict entrance fall off ", implement the three class, public commitment, democratic appraisal education management system and give full play to vanguard role. As the service of the masses into the rich carrier, to further expand the" red flag terrace Kingdom party brand connotation, establish and perfect the whole villages and towns, streets and villages, community public service outlets, the implementation of the party organization and party commitment Jiannuo, twinning, window units and service industries such as instant evaluation price System, the full implementation of the "line of work", "public pipeline engineering", "five vanguard", the "party shifangang" star rating, a rating of the party, grassroots organizations to enhance service function and improve the service level. Security guarantee system, to establish a stable base group and basic public organization operation. Service fee funds safeguard mechanism, strengthen the village collective economic accumulation, promote human, money, material, further implement love and tilt to the grassroots, grassroots cadres policy, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the service of the masses, to ensure that all work, rich work, a chapter everything.Three, step by stepThe education practice is not phased, not to engage in the transfer section. To adhere to the problem oriented, adhere to educational practice and science, insist on learning while the investigation and reform, with the "five question five check 33 assessment" as the carrier, the education, the implementation of the rectification, the entire chapter formed, the masses comments throughout. The aspects of education practice activities work effectively with each other through.(a) learning education, listen to opinions1, deep into the thought of launch. The township units in the province to thoroughly understand the central and municipal spirit, God, listen to opinions based on, combined with the actual development of the implementation plan, and timely mobilization, unified thought, improve knowledge, carefully arranged to start the single unit of educational practice implementation case should be reported. The steering group audit checks. Together with the organization held a mobilization meeting, Party members and cadres do, subordinate units responsible person, invite some two members on behalf of a service object, and representatives of the masses, to guide the leadership style and team member status into comments.2, do a good job learning education. Organize cadres to seriously study the learning theory of socialism Chinese characteristics, study the party's glorious history and fine traditions of the study of eighteen, eighteen of the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee and general secretary Xi Jinping speak speech series, learning the central and provincial, city, County to carry out education activities "opinions < > >, scheme and related meeting spirit. To carry out the ideals and beliefs, party spirit and discipline and moral education, to carry out the view of Marx's view of masses and the party's mass line thematic study discussion, carry out the fundamental realities and the situation of reform and development of education, to guide the party members and cadres complement the spirit of calcium" , built the ideological soul of the building, the party's mass line in all Party members, cadres are deep rooted, the practice of the party's fundamental purpose to become party members, cadres of the general consciousness. Adhere to the combination of study, practice, and more focus on practical thought and work practice learning, positive transformation of the subjective world, really to solve the world outlook, outlook on life and values of the "total switch" in order to solve the problem, who, who rely on, who is my problem. The county authorities at the county level, county departments and township streets, Party members and cadres should be organized from learning, thematic discussion, conscientiously carry out one more special counseling, focus on more than one time On more than one special Xuanxuan a warning education, and a theoretical essay "Five" activities. The set of learning time is not less than 11 weeks. The other party organizations can be used to send home to learn, distance education, learning distribution data, organization of Party members and cadres to study. The party members in rural areas especially the flow of Party members, to make full use of the Spring Festival to return home opportunity, grasp learning education slack season.3, to solicit opinions. About the improvement of "four winds", and "face to face" and "back to back" with "," individual listening "and" collective body talk "combination" into the masses "and" listen "to organize the masses to comment on" combination, deep into the line, the masses, in-depth agricultural farmers carry out the door, more people, and find out what people hope? Come to communicate stream views, listen to their suggestions on what? Come to visit the poor and the suffering grasp the masses lack what, what is the content of the "three home" to go visit a large research activities, listen to their opinions. Italy kejiyishang cadres should be deep into the "double". Basic unit and service object to carry out the investigation research Listen to the advice, take, especially to listen to the people's congress deputies, CPPCC members and cadres of opinion, attention to letters and visits and other delivery door views. Prevent mutual comments "travel document", "letter letter often", "like a swarm of bees" grassroots, heavy repeated comments. To seek to Italy opinions and suggestions, according to the team and individual people to be arranged to sort out the juice and juice flavor feedback to the team and individual.(two) revealing problems, carry out criticism.1, around the four winds to find the problem. People insist on honest and pragmatic requirements, ideal control theory, constitution and discipline, and the popular voice of the people, the ancestors of advanced surrounded by mirrors, take the higher point, you mention, to find their own, collective discussion, mutual help, mass rating methods, Wen de ZaZa lost. Asked to check Yong, lazy, ask frequently check, asked the performance check, ask low check corruption, revealing put the vital interests of the masses of the "four winds". All levels of government and business sector units to control the provisions of the central eight "and opposition party and government austerity Waste Regulations > wave, provincial double ten" regulations, "article twelve" provisions of the municipal Party committee and county Party committee of ToJanuary 1943, "loyalty save" jiaxing station webmaster Li Yinglong received by Lieutenant Colonel Tong bei action Corps Headquarters transferred secret: "limited action within 24

     sincerely, smooth mass appeal channels expression channels, do conflict investigation and the product to resolve the backlog work, maintain social stability, enhance the sense of security, improve the satisfaction degree, let the masses feel the social fairness and justice.(three) efforts to solve the problem of contact service masses "last mile"In order to strengthen the construction of service-oriented grassroots party organization as the starting point, focus on grasping the party building, to maintain stability, promote development, to further promote the vanguard of Hui Hui's people's livelihood, actions, and lay a solid foundation of innovation. The service of the masses organization party organization set up, take the mining village enterprises, the construction of "" multinational joint building "," regional construction "industry chain branch etc., continuous optimization of grassroots party organizations, Party organizations and expand the coverage of work covered. Grasp grasp leader team construction, conscientiously implement the provincial Party committee" on the further strengthening of the village Party Secretary team building meeting >, optimal selection with strong village leaders, and strengthen college-graduate village official (Village The Ministry of Education) and tracking management, focus on building a strong sense of service, service ability and strong team, grass-roots party organization Secretary style of service good. Do the development of Party member, strict entrance fall off ", implement the three class, public commitment, democratic appraisal education management system and give full play to vanguard role. As the service of the masses into the rich carrier, to further expand the" red flag terrace Kingdom party brand connotation, establish and perfect the whole villages and towns, streets and villages, community public service outlets, the implementation of the party organization and party commitment Jiannuo, twinning, window units and service industries such as instant evaluation price System, the full implementation of the "line of work", "public pipeline engineering", "five vanguard", the "party shifangang" star rating, a rating of the party, grassroots organizations to enhance service function and improve the service level. Security guarantee system, to establish a stable base group and basic public organization operation. Service fee funds safeguard mechanism, strengthen the village collective economic accumulation, promote human, money, material, further implement love and tilt to the grassroots, grassroots cadres policy, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the service of the masses, to ensure that all work, rich work, a chapter everything.Three, step by stepThe education practice is not phased, not to engage in the transfer section. To adhere to the problem oriented, adhere to educational practice and science, insist on learning while the investigation and reform, with the "five question five check 33 assessment" as the carrier, the education, the implementation of the rectification, the entire chapter formed, the masses comments throughout. The aspects of education practice activities work effectively with each other through.(a) learning education, listen to opinions1, deep into the thought of launch. The township units in the province to thoroughly understand the central and municipal spirit, God, listen to opinions based on, combined with the actual development of the implementation plan, and timely mobilization, unified thought, improve knowledge, carefully arranged to start the single unit of educational practice implementation case should be reported. The steering group audit checks. Together with the organization held a mobilization meeting, Party members and cadres do, subordinate units responsible person, invite some two members on behalf of a service object, and representatives of the masses, to guide the leadership style and team member status into comments.2, do a good job learning education. Organize cadres to seriously study the learning theory of socialism Chinese characteristics, study the party's glorious history and fine traditions of the study of eighteen, eighteen of the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee and general secretary Xi Jinping speak speech series, learning the central and provincial, city, County to carry out education activities "opinions < > >, scheme and related meeting spirit. To carry out the ideals and beliefs, party spirit and discipline and moral education, to carry out the view of Marx's view of masses and the party's mass line thematic study discussion, carry out the fundamental realities and the situation of reform and development of education, to guide the party members and cadres complement the spirit of calcium" , built the ideological soul of the building, the party's mass line in all Party members, cadres are deep rooted, the practice of the party's fundamental purpose to become party members, cadres of the general consciousness. Adhere to the combination of study, practice, and more focus on practical thought and work practice learning, positive transformation of the subjective world, really to solve the world outlook, outlook on life and values of the "total switch" in order to solve the problem, who, who rely on, who is my problem. The county authorities at the county level, county departments and township streets, Party members and cadres should be organized from learning, thematic discussion, conscientiously carry out one more special counseling, focus on more than one time On more than one special Xuanxuan a warning education, and a theoretical essay "Five" activities. The set of learning time is not less than 11 weeks. The other party organizations can be used to send home to learn, distance education, learning distribution data, organization of Party members and cadres to study. The party members in rural areas especially the flow of Party members, to make full use of the Spring Festival to return home opportunity, grasp learning education slack season.3, to solicit opinions. About the improvement of "four winds", and "face to face" and "back to back" with "," individual listening "and" collective body talk "combination" into the masses "and" listen "to organize the masses to comment on" combination, deep into the line, the masses, in-depth agricultural farmers carry out the door, more people, and find out what people hope? Come to communicate stream views, listen to their suggestions on what? Come to visit the poor and the suffering grasp the masses lack what, what is the content of the "three home" to go visit a large research activities, listen to their opinions. Italy kejiyishang cadres should be deep into the "double". Basic unit and service object to carry out the investigation research Listen to the advice, take, especially to listen to the people's congress deputies, CPPCC members and cadres of opinion, attention to letters and visits and other delivery door views. Prevent mutual comments "travel document", "letter letter often", "like a swarm of bees" grassroots, heavy repeated comments. To seek to Italy opinions and suggestions, according to the team and individual people to be arranged to sort out the juice and juice flavor feedback to the team and individual.(two) revealing problems, carry out criticism.1, around the four winds to find the problem. People insist on honest and pragmatic requirements, ideal control theory, constitution and discipline, and the popular voice of the people, the ancestors of advanced surrounded by mirrors, take the higher point, you mention, to find their own, collective discussion, mutual help, mass rating methods, Wen de ZaZa lost. Asked to check Yong, lazy, ask frequently check, asked the performance check, ask low check corruption, revealing put the vital interests of the masses of the "four winds". All levels of government and business sector units to control the provisions of the central eight "and opposition party and government austerity Waste Regulations > wave, provincial double ten" regulations, "article twelve" provisions of the municipal Party committee and county Party committee of ToJanuary 1943, "loyalty save" jiaxing station webmaster Li Yinglong received by Lieutenant Colonel Tong bei action Corps Headquarters transferred secret: "limited action within 241 / 1

     sincerely, smooth mass appeal channels expression channels, do conflict investigation and the product to resolve the backlog work, maintain social stability, enhance the sense of security, improve the satisfaction degree, let the masses feel the social fairness and justice.(three) efforts to solve the problem of contact service masses "last mile"In order to strengthen the construction of service-oriented grassroots party organization as the starting point, focus on grasping the party building, to maintain stability, promote development, to further promote the vanguard of Hui Hui's people's livelihood, actions, and lay a solid foundation of innovation. The service of the masses organization party organization set up, take the mining village enterprises, the construction of "" multinational joint building "," regional construction "industry chain branch etc., continuous optimization of grassroots party organizations, Party organizations and expand the coverage of work covered. Grasp grasp leader team construction, conscientiously implement the provincial Party committee" on the further strengthening of the village Party Secretary team building meeting >, optimal selection with strong village leaders, and strengthen college-graduate village official (Village The Ministry of Education) and tracking management, focus on building a strong sense of service, service ability and strong team, grass-roots party organization Secretary style of service good. Do the development of Party member, strict entrance fall off ", implement the three class, public commitment, democratic appraisal education management system and give full play to vanguard role. As the service of the masses into the rich carrier, to further expand the" red flag terrace Kingdom party brand connotation, establish and perfect the whole villages and towns, streets and villages, community public service outlets, the implementation of the party organization and party commitment Jiannuo, twinning, window units and service industries such as instant evaluation price System, the full implementation of the "line of work", "public pipeline engineering", "five vanguard", the "party shifangang" star rating, a rating of the party, grassroots organizations to enhance service function and improve the service level. Security guarantee system, to establish a stable base group and basic public organization operation. Service fee funds safeguard mechanism, strengthen the village collective economic accumulation, promote human, money, material, further implement love and tilt to the grassroots, grassroots cadres policy, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the service of the masses, to ensure that all work, rich work, a chapter everything.Three, step by stepThe education practice is not phased, not to engage in the transfer section. To adhere to the problem oriented, adhere to educational practice and science, insist on learning while the investigation and reform, with the "five question five check 33 assessment" as the carrier, the education, the implementation of the rectification, the entire chapter formed, the masses comments throughout. The aspects of education practice activities work effectively with each other through.(a) learning education, listen to opinions1, deep into the thought of launch. The township units in the province to thoroughly understand the central and municipal spirit, God, listen to opinions based on, combined with the actual development of the implementation plan, and timely mobilization, unified thought, improve knowledge, carefully arranged to start the single unit of educational practice implementation case should be reported. The steering group audit checks. Together with the organization held a mobilization meeting, Party members and cadres do, subordinate units responsible person, invite some two members on behalf of a service object, and representatives of the masses, to guide the leadership style and team member status into comments.2, do a good job learning education. Organize cadres to seriously study the learning theory of socialism Chinese characteristics, study the party's glorious history and fine traditions of the study of eighteen, eighteen of the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee and general secretary Xi Jinping speak speech series, learning the central and provincial, city, County to carry out education activities "opinions < > >, scheme and related meeting spirit. To carry out the ideals and beliefs, party spirit and discipline and moral education, to carry out the view of Marx's view of masses and the party's mass line thematic study discussion, carry out the fundamental realities and the situation of reform and development of education, to guide the party members and cadres complement the spirit of calcium" , built the ideological soul of the building, the party's mass line in all Party members, cadres are deep rooted, the practice of the party's fundamental purpose to become party members, cadres of the general consciousness. Adhere to the combination of study, practice, and more focus on practical thought and work practice learning, positive transformation of the subjective world, really to solve the world outlook, outlook on life and values of the "total switch" in order to solve the problem, who, who rely on, who is my problem. The county authorities at the county level, county departments and township streets, Party members and cadres should be organized from learning, thematic discussion, conscientiously carry out one more special counseling, focus on more than one time On more than one special Xuanxuan a warning education, and a theoretical essay "Five" activities. The set of learning time is not less than 11 weeks. The other party organizations can be used to send home to learn, distance education, learning distribution data, organization of Party members and cadres to study. The party members in rural areas especially the flow of Party members, to make full use of the Spring Festival to return home opportunity, grasp learning education slack season.3, to solicit opinions. About the improvement of "four winds", and "face to face" and "back to back" with "," individual listening "and" collective body talk "combination" into the masses "and" listen "to organize the masses to comment on" combination, deep into the line, the masses, in-depth agricultural farmers carry out the door, more people, and find out what people hope? Come to communicate stream views, listen to their suggestions on what? Come to visit the poor and the suffering grasp the masses lack what, what is the content of the "three home" to go visit a large research activities, listen to their opinions. Italy kejiyishang cadres should be deep into the "double". Basic unit and service object to carry out the investigation research Listen to the advice, take, especially to listen to the people's congress deputies, CPPCC members and cadres of opinion, attention to letters and visits and other delivery door views. Prevent mutual comments "travel document", "letter letter often", "like a swarm of bees" grassroots, heavy repeated comments. To seek to Italy opinions and suggestions, according to the team and individual people to be arranged to sort out the juice and juice flavor feedback to the team and individual.(two) revealing problems, carry out criticism.1, around the four winds to find the problem. People insist on honest and pragmatic requirements, ideal control theory, constitution and discipline, and the popular voice of the people, the ancestors of advanced surrounded by mirrors, take the higher point, you mention, to find their own, collective discussion, mutual help, mass rating methods, Wen de ZaZa lost. Asked to check Yong, lazy, ask frequently check, asked the performance check, ask low check corruption, revealing put the vital interests of the masses of the "four winds". All levels of government and business sector units to control the provisions of the central eight "and opposition party and government austerity Waste Regulations > wave, provincial double ten" regulations, "article twelve" provisions of the municipal Party committee and county Party committee of ToJanuary 1943, "loyalty save" jiaxing station webmaster Li Yinglong received by Lieutenant Colonel Tong bei action Corps Headquarters transferred secret: "limited action within 24

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