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    时间:2019-01-02 04:32:41 来源:达达文档网 本文已影响 达达文档网手机站

      人物:Joshua Fern(中文名:范祖豪)   美国职业高尔夫协会的初级会员, 自小跟随同是美国职高协会成员的父亲Richard.Fern(理查得.范恩)学习打高尔夫球, 从12岁开始接触这项运动, 在求学期间仍然坚持不懈地训练, 到目前参加美国职高协会的职业高尔夫管理培训项目, 至今已有18年之久。
      Mr. Gao magazine article
      I would first like to thank Mr. Gao magazine for giving me this chance to be in their magazine, a great honor to me. My name is Joshua Fern from the United States and have been in China for just over 2 years. I am a USPGA Apprentice training under my father, Richard Fern, who is a Class A USPGA member teaching here in Southern China and Hong Kong as well. I have been around this game that we all love for just about 18 years. As a young boy I can remember always wanting to be able to help others learn how to conquer this frustrating game. Now I have that chance. I begin my golfing career at the age of 12 and continued through school and I am now enrolled in the PGA PGM(Professional Golf Management) program. Presently, I am teaching at Favorview Golf and Country Club which I have found is a fantastic facility. With it"s 60 hitting bays on the ground level, and 30 VIP rooms, it"s the most unique practice facility I have seen. To go along with all this, we have a great short game area, two dining restaurants, and a super friendly staff.
      首先很感谢高球先生杂志能给予我这个宝贵机会发表一下个人对1号木杆使用的看法.先自我介绍一下,我是Joshua Fern(中文名:范祖豪) 来自美国得克萨斯州的达拉斯,在中国已经度过整整两个年头。我现在是美国职业高尔夫协会的初级会员,自小跟随同是美国职高协会成员的父亲Richard.Fern(理查得.范恩)学习打高尔夫球,从12岁开始接触这项运动,在求学期间仍然坚持不懈地训练, 到目前参加美国职高协会的职业高尔夫管理培训项目,至今已有18年之久。作为这项运动的其中一位长期参与者和观察者,我期待能为大家提高高尔夫球技术水平能尽点微薄之力。现在,我在汇景高尔夫乡村俱乐部任职高球指导,这里的硬件和软件设施都很符合我心目中高尔夫球练习场的标准。能为各位球友提供一个便利的场所进行练习和切磋,这对普及高尔夫运动莫大的帮助。
      Joshua Fern 范祖豪
      USPGA Apprentice
      美国职业高尔夫球协会 初级会员
      In this issue of Mr. Gao magazine, they have asked me to give some tips to help you hit your driver with more consistency. First, I would like to stress the importance of keeping your head in the same position from address throughout your back swing, and then through your downswing. Avoiding the weight shifting back and forth will help you to create better contact with the golf ball.
      接下来,我会阐述一下一些个人应该重视的技术要点,有关于如何更连贯地使用1号木杆打出好球。 首先, 我会着重强调这点,就是从瞄球,上杆直到下杆这个过程中, 球手的头部要注重稳定,对准球位,而不要随意晃动, 同时要避免身体重心来回摆动,这会有助于提高击球时的稳定性和准确性,更好地击出直线球。
      Next, having your back foot square instead of open will help you from overturning your shoulders and hips in the back swing. It will also help if you keep your right knee from turning outwards in your back swing. Try to keep it pointed straight as it does at the address position.
      接着,请留意一下你的右脚是否与目标线成90度角, 而不是向右敞开,这点很重要, 因为站位与目标线成90度角能确保上杆时你的肩膀和臀部保持应有的一致性,而不会大幅度地转动。这样的站位也会帮助你上杆时右膝不会向外转动,保持稳定。这跟瞄球准备时的站位也是一致的。
      The downswing is where we teachers find the most problems. Most amateurs tend to start their downswing with their body rather than their arms creating club path as well as angle problems. Starting the downswing with your arms bringing the club down from the inside will get it started on the correct path. Also, you will notice that my arms and the shaft of the club creates the letter L. You will need to hold this angle until you get the club back down around your right leg to help create power in your tee shots.
      下杆时的动作,我觉得是比较难掌握的,很多业余球员习惯于下杆时身体先转动,而不是手臂先行,这会造成挥杆路径和角度偏离的问题。如果下杆时手臂先划出,就能确保球杆沿着比较准直的路径运行。另外,你们可以观察到, 我的手臂和杆身成“L”字型,这种姿势要保持直到下杆时的力量释放,从而使击球时达到最大力量。
      Finally at the impact position, a straight line forms from my left shoulder all the way down to my left foot. A critical position for good weight transfer and also where the power is released into the golf ball. Now you see a nice extended follow through with my head still in the same position as it was at address. Then the last move, completing the follow through with a full shoulder and hip rotation.
      I hope you can use these steps to help your tee shots and lower your score. Thanks again to Mr. Gao magazine for having me in this issue and Happy Golfing to all of you.

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