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    时间:2021-02-10 16:04:15 来源:达达文档网 本文已影响 达达文档网手机站


    History of World Rabies Day

    The World Rabies Day is held on the September 28th every year. The origins2 of the World Rabies Day date back to the year 2007 when the first Anti-Rabies was organised and held by Alliance3 for Rabies Control and other organizations. They worked together with the World Health Organisation and educated about 100 million people and vaccinated4 3 million dogs. Eventually in 2015 about 33 countries chose the World Rabies Day as a useful tool for creating awareness5 and fighting against the disease.



    About rabies

    Rabies is a deadly viral6 disease which is transmitted from animals to humans. Dogs account of 99% of transmission, other carriers are bats, raccoons7 and so on. The disease is spread through the saliva8 of the infected9 animals. The disease can be prevented even after a bite if people are vaccinated in time.



    What to do after a dog bite?

    ·Wash the wound or scratch10 with lots of water and soap for about 15 minutes.

    ·Go to a hospital in time after bite.

    ·The dog should be observed for about 10 days to check for any symptoms11.





    World Rabies Day Activities

    World Rabies Day stands as a golden opportunity to spread the word and educate people about the disease. Many animal organizations and vet12 hospitals organize activities to vaccinate pet and street dogs against the deadly disease on this day.

    ·Ensure your pet and dogs in neighborhood are vaccinated.

    Start by ensuring that your dog is vaccinated and if possible get all the dogs in your locality13 vaccinated against the disease too. You can also collect donations if several people support the idea.

    ·Ask an animal health professional14 to support your cause.

    You can request and tie up with any of the vet or animal health care professional of your locality to help you know more detail information about it.









    1. rabies [■] n. 狂犬病,恐水病

    2. origin [■] n. 起源;开端

    3. alliance [■] n. 联盟,联合

    4. vaccinate [■] vt. 给……注射疫苗

    5. awareness [■] n. 意识,认识

    6. viral [■] adj. 病毒性的

    7. raccoon [■] n. 浣熊

    8. saliva [■] n. 唾液

    9. infected [■] adj. 受感染的

    10. scratch [■] n. 擦伤;抓痕

    11. symptom [■] n. 症状

    12. vet [■] n. 兽医

    13. locality [■] n. 所在;(小片)地区

    14. professional [■] n. 专业人员

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