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    Unit3 学好英语有经验|怎样学好英语

    时间:2019-02-07 04:46:22 来源:达达文档网 本文已影响 达达文档网手机站

      Student: Patrick, I"ve been learning English for a long long time, and I still can"t speak good English. I am really disheartened.
      Patrick: Take your time. Anyway, Rome wasn"t built in a day.
      Student: Can you make some suggestions?
      Patrick: Sure. English is becoming an international language. It"s really important. But like anything else, you really need to practice and practice before you can do it well.
      Student: How?
      Patrick: Well, let me give you an example. You know, when people first learn to drive a car, they can"t do it well. They make lots of mistakes. They may step on the gas when it"s time to stop the car. But that"s natural. That happens to everyone.
      Student: I know what you mean.
      Patrick: Learning English is just like driving a car. All you have to do is practice and don"t be afraid of making mistakes. The more mistakes you make, the quicker you can speak good English.
      Student: It"s easy to say, but hard to do.
      Patrick: Just take your time. I"m always glad to help and don"t forget, language is not just about words or grammar rules. Cultural background plays a vital role as well.
      Student: Jesus. What can I do before I can speak good English?
      Patrick: Just pick up the phone and practice with me. I"m not God, but I"m sure I can better your English.
      Attention Please...特别提醒
      [1] I am really disheartened.
      disheartened是灰心的意思。当人们没能做成事情的时候,他们会说:I"m really frustrated. 我真的绝望了。口语中的另一个类似高频词是upset,它表示担心,外加一点儿忧伤。
      [2] Rome wasn"t built in a day. 直译是:罗马并非一日建成,对应的中译只有:“冰冻三尺非一日之寒”最得该意境。用这句话来比喻学习英语的艰辛可谓再恰当不过,不过还要记住熟能生巧――Practice makes perfect,这才是学习英语的最佳办法。
      Useful Tools...实用句式
      A: Hello, may I speak to John (or sb.), please? (你好,John在吗?)
      B: You are speaking to him / Speaking. (我就是。)

    相关热词搜索: 经验 学好英语 Unit3

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