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    草地上的罐头 草地上的罐头(A Can on the Grassland)

    时间:2018-12-24 16:50:12 来源:达达文档网 本文已影响 达达文档网手机站

      (1)森林   (2)原形lie,躺   (3)原形destroy,毁坏   (4)坚决地   (5)粗心地,反义词为我们六年级学过的carefully。同学们,你们认为它是一个动词还是副词呢?
      (9)原形cover, 盖住
      (15)原形fetch, 取出
      In a forest(1),there was a piece oflovely grassland with green grass and beautiful flowers. One day, however, an empty can lay(2) on the grassland. The animals in the forest were very angry with it.
      “It’s people who threw it away and destroyed(3) our grassland,” Monkey said. Then he picked it up and threw it firmly(4).
      The can was flying and flying. Finally it hit a pig’s head.
      “Who threw it away so carelessly(5)? Oh, thanks to my thick skin(6), I wouldn’t be hurt(7),”the pig said. And he dug(8) a hole and covered(9) the can up.
      But it blocked up a mole’s(10) passage(11). Certainly she was very angry.
      “Why did someone stuff it into earth? I hate it,”she complained(12). So she dug it out and threw it away again.
      This time the can was rolling(13) and rolling. At last, it got to the gate of a rabbit’s house. He kicked it off unpatiently(14),“Go away!”
       And it fell into a bird’s nest. Father bird fetched(15) and pecked(16) at it. Quickly he found it was empty.
      “Who sent it to us? It is not eatable,” Mother bird was puzzled(17).So Father bird pushed(18)the can down to a small river.
      The tortoise brothers were living on the river bank(19).
       “Look! Something is floating in the river. What is it?” Suddenly the elder said to his brother surprisingly(20).
      “No! It’s waste, just like me,”the younger answered coldly(21). Because he was lame(22), he could not go anywhere.
      The elder didn’t care what he said, and he still dredged(23) the can up. Then he asked his brother to lie on it.
      “Now we’ll start our wonderful journey(24). Remember you are not waste! So is it.”
      They started towards the river and the sea(25).
      The can looked so beautiful when it was not waste.

    相关热词搜索: 罐头 草地上 Grassland

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