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    时间:2020-09-28 13:00:54 来源:达达文档网 本文已影响 达达文档网手机站

    《有机化学》课程简介 课程编号:31100033 课程名称(中文):有机化学 课程名称(英文):Organic Chemistry 学分数/学时数:3学分、72学时 开课单位/开课学期:化学院有机教研室、2年级上 课程类别:专业必修课 面向专业:生命科学及相关专业 课程负责人:

    教学内容 1. 绪论:了解有机化学产生与发展;

    2. 烷烃 :掌握烷烃的结构、命名、物性、主要的化学反应 3. 立体化学:
    了解手性合成 4. 不饱和烃:
    掌握不饱和烃的结构、命名、物性、重要化学反应(亲电加成),共轭效应 5.芳烃 芳香性:掌握苯的结构;
    了解稠环芳烃,芳香性 6. 卤代烃:


    8. 醇酚醚:掌握醇酚醚的制法、反应;

    9. 醛和酮醌 :
    了解醌的化学性质 10羧酸及衍生物:掌握羧酸的制法、物性、酸性及主要反应;
    羧酸衍生物的相互转化 11.含氮化合物:掌握胺的分类、制法、性质、反应(酰化、重氮化),硝基化合物的性质,掌握芳香重氮化合物的合成应用;
    了解偶氮化合物 12.杂环化合物:掌握杂环化合物的结构,芳香性;
    了解杂环药物和生物活性物质 13.碳水化合物:掌握单糖的结构、构象和性质;
    了解二糖、多糖的结构和性质 (三)
    教学时数 72学时 (四)
    教学方式 理论讲授 课程内容简介(英文):
    Organic chemistry is a fundamental academic course. This course is opened for those major in biology and relative specialty. It mainly introduce the basic organic theory, such as the structure , property and synthesis of organic compound. It give background knowledge for the future courses such as biochemistry. 1. General Chemistry Review: Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Covers Molecular Orbital Theory, acid and base strength, functional groups. 2. Alkanes: Covers properties and reaction of alkanes 3.Alkyl Halides: Covers formation and reactions of alkyl halides. SN1and SN2 reaction. 4.Stereochemistry: Covers basic stereochemical concepts such as R/S and D/L configuration, as well as enantiomers, diastereomers, and meso compounds. . 5.Unsaturated hydrocabon: Covers reactions of alkenes,alkynes, degrees of unsaturation, and Conjugated Systems. 6. aromatic compound and aromaticity:Covers the concept of aromaticity , electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions. 7. Organic Spectroscopy: Covers the basic theory of UV,IR,NMR and MS, resolution of spectra of simple organic compounds 7.Alcohols, phenols and ethers: Covers classification and reactions of alcohols,phenols and ethers 8.Ketones and Aldehydes: Covers nomenclature, properties, and reactions of ketones and aldehydes. 9.Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives: Covers properties, common nomenclature, and structure and classification of carboxylic acids and their derivatives. 10 Amines : Covers properties, nomenclature, basicity, and reactions of amines. 11.Aromatic Heterocylic Compounds: Covers properties, nomenclature, basicity, and reactions of aromatic heterocylic compounds. 12. Carbohydrates: Covers properties, nomenclature, and reactions of monosaccharides, knowledge of biologically important sugars.

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