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    时间:2021-02-27 07:53:01 来源:达达文档网 本文已影响 达达文档网手机站


    This was the summer of rain and more rain. They heard it first thing in the morning, loud on the roof of the 1)mobile home. The trails were deep in mud, the long grass soaking, leaves overhead sending down random showers even in those moments when there was no actual downpour from the sky. Carla wore a widebrimmed old Australian 2)felt hat every time she went outside, and tucked her long thick braid down her shirt.

    Nobody showed up for trail rides—even though Clark and Carla had gone around posting signs at all the 3)campsites, in the cafés, and on the tourist-office 4)bulletin board, and anywhere else they could think of. Only a few pupils were coming for lessons, and those were regulars, not the batches of schoolchildren on vacation or the busloads from summer camps that had kept them going the summer before. And even the regulars took time off for holiday trips, or simply cancelled their lessons because of the weather. If they called too late, Clark charged them anyway. A couple of them had argued, and quit for good.

    There was still some income from the three horses that were boarded. Those three, and the four of their own, were out in the field now, poking disconsolately in the grass under the trees. They looked as if they couldn’t be bothered to notice that the rain was holding off for the moment, the way it often did for a while in the afternoon. Just enough to get your hopes up—the clouds whitening and thinning and letting through a diffuse brightness that never got around to being real sunshine, and was usually gone before supper.

    Carla had finished 5)mucking out in the barn. She had taken her time—she liked the rhythm of her regular 6)chores, the high space under the barn roof, the smells. Now she went over to the exercise ring to see how dry the ground was, in case the five-o’clock pupil did show up.

    Most of the steady showers had not been particularly heavy, but last week there had come a sudden stirring and then a blast through the treetops and a nearly horizontal blinding rain. The storm had lasted only a quarter of an hour, but branches still lay across the road, hydro lines were down, and a large chunk of the plastic roofing over the ring had been torn loose. There was a puddle like a lake at that end of the track, and Clark had worked until dark digging a channel to drain it away.

    The roof had not yet been repaired. Clark had strung fence wire across to keep the horses from getting into the mud, and Carla had marked out a shorter track.

    On the Web, right now, he was hunting for a place to buy roofing. Some salvage outlet, with prices that they could afford, or somebody trying to get rid of such material, secondhand. He would not go to Hy and Robert Buckley’s Building Supply in town, which he called Highway Robbers Buggery Supply, because he owed them money and had had a fight with them.

    Clark often had fights, and not just with the people he owed money to. His friendliness, compelling at first, could suddenly turn sour. There were places in town that he would not go into, because of some 7)row. The drugstore was one such place. An old woman had pushed in front of him—that is, she had gone to get something she’d forgotten and come back and pushed in front, rather than going to the end of the line, and he had complained, and the cashier had said to him, “She has 8)emphysema.” Clark had said, “Is that so? I have 9)piles myself,” and the manager had been summoned to tell him that that remark was uncalled for. And in the coffee shop out on the highway the advertised breakfast discount had not been allowed, because it was past eleven o’clock in the morning, and Clark had argued and then dropped his takeout cup of coffee on the floor—just missing, so they said, a child in its 10)stroller. He claimed that the child was half a mile away and he’d dropped the cup because no sleeve had been provided. They said that he hadn’t asked for a sleeve. He said that he shouldn’t have had to ask.

    “You flare up,” Carla said.

    “That’s what men do.”

    She had not said anything about his row with Joy Tucker. Joy Tucker was the librarian from town who boarded her horse with them. The horse was a quick-tempered little chestnut 11)mare named Lizzie—Joy Tucker, when she was in a jokey mood, called her 12)Lizzie Borden. Yesterday, she had driven out, not in a jokey mood at all, and complained about the roof’s not being fixed yet, and Lizzie looking miserable, as if she might have caught a chill.

    There was nothing the matter with Lizzie, actually. Clark had even tried—for him—to be placating. But then it was Joy Tucker who flared up and said that their place was a dump, and Lizzie deserved better, and Clark said, “Suit yourself.” Joy had not—or not yet—removed Lizzie, but Clark, who had formerly made the mare his pet, refused to have anything more to do with her. Lizzie’s feelings were hurt, in consequence—she was balky when exercised and kicked up a fuss when her hoofs had to be picked out, as they did every day, lest they develop a 13)fungus. Carla had to watch out for nips.

    But the worst thing, as far as Carla was concerned, was the absence of Flora, the little white goat who kept the horses company in the barn and in the fields. There had been no sign of her for two days, and Carla was afraid that wild dogs or coyotes had got her, or even a bear.

    She had dreamed of Flora last night and the night before. In the first dream, Flora had walked right up to the bed with a red apple in her mouth, but in the second dream—last night—she had run away when she saw Carla coming. Her leg seemed to be hurt, but she ran anyway. She led Carla to a barbed-wire barricade, the kind that might belong on some battlefield, and then she—Flora—slipped through it, hurt leg and all, just 14)slithered through like a white eel and disappeared.














    爱丽丝·门罗(Alice Muo,1931年7月10日—),加拿大作家,被誉为“加拿大的契诃夫”。1968年,门罗出版第一部小说集《快乐影子之舞》,夺得当年的加拿大最高文学奖项——总督奖;1978年,出版小说集《你认为你是谁》,这本书为她再次赢得总督奖;上世纪八九十年代的二十年里,门罗每隔四年就会出版一部短篇小说集,人们对她赞誉有加,而她也不断在国际上斩获大奖;2012年,门罗在出版了小说集《亲爱的生活》后,宣布封笔,有那么一丝遗憾的是,门罗在封笔之后才于2013年获得诺贝尔文学奖,成为诺贝尔文学奖历史上的第13位女性。


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