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    时间:2021-10-19 15:48:14 来源:达达文档网 本文已影响 达达文档网手机站

    【#三年级# 导语】做些英语习题是完成课堂教学任务,达到教学目的的主要途径。做英语习题具有帮助学生为加深记忆痕迹而联系旧知识的复现功能;具有帮助学生把口语和书面语相牵的桥梁功能。每节课应适当安排质好量宜的英语习题,使学生的听、说、读、写能力通过适量的训练而得到发展,使之成为提高课堂教学质量的一个重要途径。以下是©[达达文档#网]整理的《三年级小学生英语作业练习题》相关资料,希望帮助到您。



      I get up at 6:50 every morning.Then I put on my clothes and shoes.And I eat my breakfast at 7:20.I have milk,apple and break for breakfast.At 7:30,I go to school by bus.I arrive at school at 8:00.Then I begin my lessons at 8:20.I go home at 5:30 after school.

      ( )1.I_____ at 6:50 every morning.

      A. work   B. get up   C. wake up

      ( )2.My breakfast is at_____

      A. 7:20   B. 7:30   C. 7:00

      ( )3.I go to school_____.

      A. by bus   B. by train   C. on foot

      ( )4.I_____ school at 8:00.

      A. arrive at   B.arrive in   C.arrive

      ( )5.I_____ at 5:30.

      A. go home   B.play football   C.sleep


      My_____(名字)is Lynn. There are five people in my_____ (家庭). They_____ (是) my dad, my mum,my sister,my_____ (哥哥) and _____(我).I am the youngest(最年轻的) child at home.I am ten years old. Juliet is two years older than me. And my brother Tim is three years older than Juliet._____ (我们)love each other (彼此) very much. Dad _____ (工作) in a factory,and my mother is a _____ (教师)._____ (他们) both work very hard.We should (应该) also study hard (努力学习) to make our parents _____ (高兴).



      ( ) 1. A. she B. he C. goodbye

      ( ) 2. A. morning B. afternoon C. good

      ( ) 3. A. I B. my C. you

      ( ) 4. A. are B. am C. yes

      ( ) 5. A. father B. family C.brother


      1.sister(对应词)_________ 2. is(复数)_________

      3.我的家庭(翻译)__________ 4. friends(单数)_________

      5. I(物主代词)__________ 6. too(同音词)_________

      7. goodbye(同义词)__________ 8. hi(同义词)__________

      9. she’s(完整形式)___________ 10. I am(缩写形式)_________

      11. 一位好朋友(翻译)_________ 12. he(对应词)_________

      三 、情景对话,把序号写在括号里。

      ( )1、有一天,你上课迟到了,你该怎样说?

      A. I’m sorry. B. How are you? C. Here you are.

      ( )2、你第一次认识Mike,感到十分高兴,你应该这样说:

      A. Me too. B. Nice to meet you. C. Good afternoon.

      ( )3、John说:“I like yellow.”你的爱好跟他一样,你可以说:

      A. Great! B. My name’s Bai Ling. C. Me too.

      ( )4、你想知道对方有多少只钢笔,你该怎样问?

      A. How many pens do you have?B.How many rules do you have?  C. How many pens can you see?

      ( )5. 你想知道那个女的是谁,该怎样问?

      A.Who’s that girl? B. Good morning. C. Who’s that women?



      1.书包   2. 书   3.手表   4.钟   5.修正带   6.钥匙

      7.男人   8.女孩   9.男孩   10.一   11.二   12.三

      13.小汽车   14.公共汽车   15.自行车   16.书桌   17.椅子   18.床


      1. my family photo

      2.find her crayon

      3. how many cinemas

      4. in the bathroom

      5. his new friend

      6. put the camera on the computer

      7. some milk

      8. twelve plus six

      9. in the kitchen

      10. twenty radios


      ( ) 1. ― she? ―She is in the dining-room.

      A. Whos   B. Whats   C. Wheres

      ( )2. ― , this is my family photo. ―Its nice.

      A. Look at   B. See   C. Look

      ( )3. ― Is she your ? ―Yes, _____ is.

      A. uncle /he   B. aunt /she   C. sister/ it

      ( )4. Whats thirteen five? Its eight.

      A. plus   B. minus   C. and

      ( )5. have a look? All right.

      A. Lets   B. Its time to   C. Shall we

      ( )6.― ! Whats this on the table? ―Its a toy plane.

      A. Sorry   B. Excuse me   C. Thank you

      ( )7. ―I cant ______my rubber. Wheres _______?

      A.look / it   B.find / she   C.find / it

      ( )8. ―Time to go to bed.

      A. OK. Goodbye.   B. OK. Good night.   C. How are you?

      ( )9. ― ?―Its eight.

      A. Whats the time?   B. Whats thirteen minus four?  C. Whats that?

      ( )10. ―Is this a ? ― No, its a watermelon.

      A. watermelon   B. pineapple   C.woman


      ( )1、当你想叫别人过来时,你说:

      A. Come in, please.   B. Come here, please.   C. Excuse me.

      ( )2、别人夸奖你的衣服很漂亮,你应该说:

      A. Thank you.   B. Yes, it is.   C. No, it isnt.

      ( )3、通过别人的回答,你弄明白了,你应说:

      A. Thats all right.   B. Oh, I see.   C. Thank you.

      ( )4、你现在可以看电视。应这样说:

      A. You can watch TV.

      B. Shall we watch TV?   C. You can watch TV now.

      ( )5、当你找不到格林夫人,你可以问:

      A. Wheres Miss Green.

      B. I cant find Mr Green.   C. Wheres Mrs Green?

      ( ) 6、当你找不到你的朋友时,你可以说:

      A. I cant find my friend.   B. Wheres my friend?   C.This is my friend.

      ( ) 7、现在已是晚上9:30了,爸爸对你说:

      A. Its time to get up.   B. Time to have lunch.   C. Its time to go to bed.

      ( ) 8、你想知道这个东西用英语怎么表达,问:

      A. Whats this in the box?

      B. Whats this in English?   C.Whats that in English?

      ( ) 9、你想问别人他是不是你的爷爷:

      A. Hes your grandfather.

      B. Is she your grandmother? C.Is he your grandfather?

      ( ) 10、你想知道在那边的女人是谁,问:

      A. Whos that man?   B. Whos this woman?   C. Whos that woman?

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