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    时间:2021-01-06 16:04:21 来源:达达文档网 本文已影响 达达文档网手机站


    一、 表示条件的状语从句可以由if, unless, in case, so(as) long as, so far as, on condition that,provided (that)等词引导。

    【点拨】  1. 在if引导的条件状语从句中,主句中的动词常用一般将来时,从句中的动词用一般现在时。如:If you ask him, hell help you.如你请他 (帮忙),他会帮你的。

    2. 在if引导的条件状语从句中,主句也可含有情态动词或是祈使句。如:If it is fine tomorrow, we can go and fly the kite.如果明天天气好,我们可以去放风筝。Dont miss the program if you like music.如果你喜欢音乐,不要错过这个节目。

    3. if除了可以引导条件状语从句外,还可引导宾语从句,这时if = whether意为“是否”。如:I want to know if(=whether) he is our new teacher.我想知道他是不是我们的新老师。

    4. unless意思是“除非,如果不”,相当于if...not。在unless引导的条件状语从句中,主句中的动词常用一般将来时,从句中的动词用一般现在时。如:Unless it rains, the game will be played.=If it doesnt rain, the game will be played.除非下雨,否则比赛将照常进行。

    5. 同if引导的条件状语从句一样,在unless引导的条件状语从句中,主句也可以含有情态动词或是祈使句。如:He cant see clearly unless he wears glasses.他不戴眼镜就看不清楚。Dont touch the machine unless the teacher allows you to.没有老师的允许,不要乱动机器。

    【高考链接】  1. Tom is so independent that he never asks his parents opinion__________ he wants their support.   (2019天津卷13)

    A. since  B. once

    C. unless  D. after

    2.__________ you can sleep well, you will lose the ability to focus, plan and stay motivated after one or two nights.   (2018江苏卷29)

    A. Once  B. Unless

    C. If  D. When

    3.__________ we dont stop climate change, many animals and plants in the world will be gone.   (2018北京卷2)

    A. Although  B. While

    C. If  D. Until

    4. You wont find paper cutting difficult__________ you keep practicing it.   (2015北京卷28)

    A. even if  B. as long as

    C. as if  D. ever since

    5. It is so cold that you cant go outside__________ fully covered in thick clothes.   (2015江蘇卷26)

    A. if  B. unless

    C. once  D. when

    二、 表示目的的状语从句可以由that, so that, in order that, lest, in case, for fear that等词引导。

    【点拨】  1. 目的状语从句中一般含有情态动词。如:
    Lets take the front seats that(=so that=in order that) we may see more clearly.我们坐前排吧,这样我们看得清楚一些。

    2. in order that可位于句首,而so或者so that则不可以。如:In order that he shouldnt wake up his wife, he left the room quietly.为了不吵醒妻子,他悄悄地离开了房间。

    3. lest, in case, for fear that常用来表示“以免,以防”等意思,从句中的动词形式多为should+动词原形。在这一类从句中,should一般是不能省略的,但在lest, for fear that引导的从句中should有时可以省略。如:I wont make any noise, lest(= in case= for fear that) I should disturb you.我不会制造任何噪音,以免打扰你。

    4. 在in case從句中,可以不用虚拟语气而用陈述语气,表示可能性较大。如:Ill get some beer in case my uncle comes.(他或许会来) 试比较:Ill get some beer in case my uncle should come. (可能性很小)

    【高考链接】  The doctor shares his phone number with the patients__________ they need medical assistance.   (2019江苏卷23)

    A. if only  B. as if

    C. even though  D. in case

    三、 表示时间的状语从句可以由when, whenever, as, while, before, after, until, till, (ever) since, now (that), once, so / as long as, as soon as, hardly...when, scarcely...when, no sooner...than, every time, the moment, instantly, directly, immediately等词引导。

    【点拨】  1. 时间状语从句用一般现在时代替或表示一般将来时。如:Hell visit you as soon as he gets there.他一到那里就会去拜访你。

    2. when意思是“当……时”,表示主句动作发生的特定时间,它引导的从句的谓语动词可以是延续性的,也可以是瞬时性的。如:The days get longer when spring comes.春天到来时,白天变长了。

    3. while意思是“当……时”,强调主句动作和从句动作是同时发生的,它引导的从句的谓语动词必须是延续性的。如:While my mother was cooking, I was doing my homework.当我妈妈做饭时,我在做作业。

    4. 在when和while引导的从句中,当主句和从句的主语一致,并且从句中有be动词时,可以省略主语和be动词,构成when / while + ing结构。如:When (she is) in trouble, she always asks for my help.她遇到困难时总是向我求助。While (I am) traveling, I like to buy some souvenirs.旅游时我喜欢买纪念品。

    5. 当主句和从句所说的情况同时在发生变化时,通常用as, 译为“随着……而”,“一边……一边”。如:As I get older, I become wiser.随着年龄的增长,我变得更聪明。

    6. since意思是“自从……以来”。一般情况下,从句谓语动词用一般过去式,而主句的谓语动词用现在完成时。当主句主语是it表时间时,常用一般现在时。since引导的从句的谓语动词可以是延续性动词,也可以是瞬间动词。如:They have been friends since they were at primary school.他们从小学起就一直是好朋友。It is 50 years since they got married.他们结婚50年了。

    7. till和until意思是“到……为止”,一般情况下两者可以互换。until可以放在句首或句中,而till不可以放在句首。如果主句中的谓语动词是瞬间动词时,必须用否定形式,即“not... until”结构,意思是“直到……才(开始)”。如:Walk till / until you see a red house.一直走到你看到一座红房子为止。I didnt go to bed until I finished my homework. = Not until I finished my homework did I go to bed. = It wasnt until I finished my homework that I went to bed. 直到做完作业我才上床睡觉。

    8. whenever可以用every time替换。如:He likes listening to music whenever he has time.每当他有时间的时候,他喜欢听音乐。

    【高考链接】  1. If you dont understand something, you may research, study, and talk to other people__________ you figure it out.   (2017北京卷28)

    A. because  B. though

    C. until  D. since

    2.__________ the average age of the population increases, there are more and more old people to care for.   (2016天津卷7)

    A. Unless  B. Until

    C. As  D. While

    3. There is only one more day to go__________ your favorite music group play live.

    A. since  B. until

    C. when  D. before

    4. We need to get to the root of the problem__________ we can solve it.   (2015天津卷12)

    A. while  B. after

    C. before  D. as

    5.__________ the damage is done, it will take many years for the farmland to recover.   (2015北京卷32)

    A. Until  B. Unless

    C. Once  D. Although

    6. I believe you will have a wonderful time here__________ you get to know everyone else.   (2015陜西卷20)

    A. though  B. as if

    C. once  D. so that

    7.  If you miss this chance, it may be years__________  you get another one.   (2015重庆卷4)

    A. as  B. before

    C. since  D. after

    四、 让步状语从句表示即使出现从句中的情况,主句动作仍然会发生,有“退一步说……”的意思。从属连词有though, although, even if, even though, as, while, no matter, however, whatever等。

    【点拨】  1. though和although“虽然,尽管,即使”,在一般情况下可以互换使用。在口语中,though较常使用,although比though更正式一些。如:Ill try it, though / although I may fail.即使我可能失败,我也要试一下。

    2. though和although(从属连词) 引导的让步状语从句不能和but (并列连词) 连用,但可以和yet (副词) 连用。如:Though / Although youre younger than me, (yet) youre taller.虽然你比我年轻,但你比我高。

    3. no matter who / what / how / when / where= whoever / whatever / however / whenever / wherever。如:No matter how (=However) hard I try, I can never catch up with him. 不管我怎样努力,我永远不能赶上他。

    4. as引导让步状语从句时,从句要倒装。① 如果从句用主系表结构,要将形容词提到as前;② 如果表语是可数名词单数时,把名词提到as前面的时候要把a(n)去掉;③ 如果从句用主谓 (宾) 状结构,要把副词提到as前;④ 如果从句用情态动词加不及物动词,把动词提到as前。如:Small as it was, the army had great fighting capacity. 这支军队虽然很小,战斗力却很强。Child as she is, she knows a lot. 虽然她还是个孩子,但她懂得很多。Much as I admire his courage, I dont think he acted wisely. 我虽然佩服他的勇气,我认为他这样做是不明智的。Try as I might, I couldnt lift the stone. 我使多大劲这石头也搬不起来。

    5. while (意思上与whereas相同) “虽然,尽管;然而,而”,在形式上引导让步状语从句,在概念上却是并列句。如:She is very diligent, while he is very lazy. 她很勤奋,而他却很懒。While respected, he is not liked. 他虽受人尊敬,但并不被人喜欢。

    【高考链接】  1.__________ some people are motivated by a need for success, others are motivated by a fear of failure.   (2016江苏卷26)

    A. Because  B. If

    C. Unless  D. While

    2. My grandfather still plays tennis now and then,__________ hes in his nineties.   (2016北京卷27)

    A. as long as  B. as if

    C. even though  D. in case

    3.__________ online shopping has changed our life, not  all of its effects have been positive.   (2016浙江卷5)

    A. Since  B. After

    C. While  D. Unless

    4.__________ scientists have learned a lot about the universe, there is much we still dont know.   (2015安徽卷23)

    A. Once  B. Since

    C. Though  D. Unless

    5.__________ the students came from different countries, they got along quite well in the summer camp.   (2015福建卷31)

    A. While  B. Unless

    C. Since  D. Until

    五、 引导地点状语从句的从属连词有:where, wherever, everywhere。

    【点拨】  1. wherever是where加强语气的形式,表示“无论哪里”。如:Stand wherever you like. 你爱站哪里就站哪儿。

    2. 地点状语从句可以放句首,也可放在主句后。如:Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。Everywhere she went, she was warmly welcomed. 她所到之处都受到热烈欢迎。

    【高考链接】  1. Located__________ the Belt meets the Road, Jiangsu will contribute more to the Belt and Road construction.   (2017江苏卷23)

    A. why  B. when

    C. which  D. where

    2.__________ he once felt like giving up, he now has the determination to push further and keep on going.   (2015安徽卷34)

    A. Where  B. As

    C. In case  D. Now that

    六、 原因状语从句是指在复合句中表示主句动作发生原因的句子。从属连词有because, since, as, now that, not that...but that等。

    【点拨】  1. because表示动作发生的直接原因,语气很强,常用来回答why引导的疑问句(这时不能用since以及as)。汉语里我们习惯说“因为……所以”,但使用英语时不能将because与so 连用。如:—Why didnt he go with us today?他为什么今天没跟我们一起去? —Because he was too tired.因为他太累了。Because my bike was broken, I went to school by bus yesterday. 昨天因为自行车坏了,我乘公交上学。

    2. 和because相比,since和as的语气稍弱。since意思是“既然;由于;因为”,表示已知的、显然的理由,较正式,多位于句首。如:Since it is late, I shall go home right now. (由于) 时间不早了,我得马上回家。

    3. as和since的用法大体相同,表示附带说明的“双方已知的原因”。如:As it is raining, youd better take a taxi.既然在下雨,你最好乘出租车。

    【高考链接】  I really enjoy listening to music__________  it helps me relax and takes my mind away from other cares of the day.   (2016北京卷33)

    A. because  B. before

    C. unless  D. until

    七、 表示結果的状语从句可以由that, so that, so...that, such...that等词引导。

    【点拨】  1. 用so that引导结果状语从句时,从句中一般没有情态动词,否则应该是目的状语从句。如:He didnt plan his time well, so(=so that) he didnt finish the work in time. 他没有计划好时间,结果没按时完成这项工作。

    2. “so...that”意思是“如此……以至于”。其中so是副词,用来修饰形容词或副词。如:He studied so hard that he made great progress. 他如此用功,取得了很大的进步。

    3. “such...that”的意思与“so...that”相同。但由于such是限定词,所以只能修饰名词或名词词组。如:Mike is such an honest man that we all believe him. 迈克是个很诚实的人,大家都相信他。

    【高考链接】  Lets not pick these peaches until this weekend__________ they get sweet enough to be eaten.   (2018天津卷4)

    A. ever since  B. as if

    C. even though  D. so that

    八、 as引导行为方式状语从句时意为“按照”、“如同”。

    【点拨】  1. just as是as加强语气的形式。如:We must do as the Party tells us.我們必须听党的话。Please do it just as I told you.请按照我告诉你的去做。

    2. as if和as though意为“如同”、“好像……似的”、“仿佛……似的”。在它们引导的从句中,谓语动词常用虚拟语气;有时也用陈述语气,表示所说的情况是事实或实现的可能性较大。如:He acted as if (=as though) nothing had happened. 他表现得就像没发生什么似的。He talks as if he were my boss. (事实上他不是我的老板) 试比较:I feel as if I have a fever. (事实上是发烧了)

    【高考链接】__________  a single word can change the meaning of a sentence, a single sentence can change the meaning of a paragraph.   (2015浙江卷9)

    A. Just as  B. Even though

    C. Until  D. Unless

    九、 引导比较状语从句的从属连词有as和than。

    【点拨】  1. 原级比较时用as+形容词或副词原级+as,用于两个项目之间的比较,表示“一方与另一方同样地……”, 否定形式为not as...as或者not so...as,表示“一方不如另一方那样……”。这两种结构中的第一个as (或so) 为副词,修饰它后面的形容词或副词;第二个as为从属连词,引导比较的另一方。如:German is as difficult (a language) as English.德语和英语一样难学。It is not so / as easy as you think.这不如你想像的容易。

    2. more...than结构 (此处more代表加er或用more的比较级)。形容词或副词比较级+than+比较对象,也用于两者之间的比较,表示一方超过另一方。表示一方不及另一方时,可用less...than。如:He is taller than I am.他比我高。She is more beautiful than her sister.她比姐姐漂亮。The car is running less smoothly than it used to.这辆小汽车开起来没有以前平稳了。

    3. 在形容词或副词的比较级前可用加much, far, a lot, still, slightly, even, a little, a bit, (three) years, (five) times等副词或词组,以表明两者之间相差的程度。如:Unite to win still greater victories!团结起来,争取更大的胜利!The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games were far(=much=a lot) better organized than any of the other modern games. 2008北京奥运会的组织工作比以往任何一届现代奥运会都要好得多。

    4. that与those 可用来指代上文提到过的东西,以避免重复这个名词。该用法在比较结构中尤为常见。如:The air of hills is cooler than that of plains. (that指the air)

    The cars made in your company are better than those turned out in theirs. (those指those cars)


    1.  The color varies__________ the temperature increases.

    A. before  B. after

    C. during  D. as

    2.  Today was__________ that I couldnt bring myself to complete my chores.

    A. so fine day  B. such fine day

    C. such a fine day  D. so a fine day

    3.   Not until the early years of 19th century__________ what heat is.

    A. man knew  B. did man know

    C. man had known  D. does man know

    4.__________  you object, Ill reconsider the plan.

    A. Because  B. For

    C. As  D. So

    5.  Ill stay here tonight__________ there is a room free.

    A. as far as  B. as long as

    C. in case  D. for fear that

    6.  Jean worked just so much__________.

    A. like what she was told to

    B. as she was told to

    C. as to what she tried to do

    D. like she was told to

    7.  Although it is raining hard,__________.

    A. I am still going out

    B. and I am still going out

    C. that I am still going out

    D. but I am still going out

    8.  They criticized him__________ he should make the same mistake again.

    A. unless  B. so that

    C. lest  D. in case of

    9.__________  landing, the aircraft exploded.

    A. As  B. When

    C. As soon as  D. Just as

    10.  Although he was regarded as an important writer,__________ any more.

    A. though few people read his works

    B. but few people read his works

    C. and his works are not widely read

    D. his works are not widely read

    11.  —Why did you do it?

    —__________they asked me to do it.

    A. Because  B. Since

    C. As  D. For

    12.  You really can fly to London tonight__________ you dont mind changing planes in Paris.

    A. provided  B. unless

    C. except  D. as soon as

    13.  Take this baggage and__________ you can find enough space.

    A. hang it which  B. hang it in which

    C. hang it wherever  D. hang in where

    14.__________  air can be compressed, it is clear that between the molecules of air there are free spaces.

    A. Since  B. When

    C. Due to  D. Unless

    15.  We must improve the farming method__________ we may get high yields.

    A. therefore  B. as

    C. in order that  D. if

    16.  The young hikers went__________ they got lost.

    A. as far as  B. too far this is why

    C. very far therefore  D. so far that

    17.__________  the problem is, he faces it with patience.

    A. Whatever  B. No matter

    C. Despite  D. Although

    18.  He had no sooner finished his speech__________ he withdrew.

    A. then  B. than

    C. and  D. as

    19.__________  you are free tonight, why not drop in and play chess with me?

    A. For  B. Because

    C. Since  D. Even if

    20.  You will not be able to succeed__________ than you do now.

    A. except you work harder

    B. unless you dont work harder

    C. unless you work harder

    D. provided you work harder


    一、1—5 CBCBB


    三、1—5 CCDCC 6—7 CB

    四、1—5 DCCCA

    五、1—2 DA




    1—5 DCBCB 6—10 BACBD

    11—15 AACAC 16—20 DABCC


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