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    [A Tiger and Three Litte Rabbits] Three and Out

    时间:2018-12-24 16:50:53 来源:达达文档网 本文已影响 达达文档网手机站

      阅读提示:   新年快到了。同学们,你们能不能把读过的故事改写成剧本并在迎新晚会上露一手呢?多方面地展示自己的才艺,让阅读生动起来吧!      There is a big tiger with sharp1 teeth and claws in a forest. He is the king of the animals and every animal is afraid of him. He eats at least2 one animal every day. But none of the animals can stop him killing them. One day, there come three lovely rabbits. All the animals become so excited3 because the rabbits want to stop the tiger eating them.
      Rabbit1: Hi, I’m a rabbit. My name is Susie and I am a brave4 rabbit.
      Rabbit2: Hi, I’m a rabbit, too. My name is Mike and I can fight with5 the tiger.
      Rabbit3: Hi, I’m Jack. Susie and Mike are my good friends. Our hobby is to help the weak6 in the world.
      Tiger: Hello, do you know who I am?I’m a tiger. Everyone in the forest is my slave7. I’m incharge of 8 thewhole
      forest. Ha-ha…
      Rabbit1: Hi, have you heard about a tiger? He is so dangerous that he eats many small animals.
      Rabbit2: Yes, one of my friends was killed by the tiger last year.
      Rabbit3: Shall we go and stop him from murdering innocent9 animals?(意为:我们去阻止他,不让他杀害无辜的动物, 好吗?)
      Rabbit1&2: Why not! That’s a good idea. Let’s leave now.
      The tiger is eating his lunch in a cave. There are lots of animal bones around him. Everything looks terrible in the cave. Now the tiger sees the rabbits.
      Tiger: Oh, those rabbits look lovely and delicious! I would like to eatthem for lunch.
      At the moment, when the tiger wants to catch them, the rabbits shout at the tiger loudly.
      Rabbits: Don’t touch us, please! Our king will kill you if you dare to10 hurt us.
      The tiger stops at once. He feels very strange when he hears about another king.
      Tiger: Your king? Are you playing a joke?I’m the king here.
      Rabbit1: No, we mean it!(意为:我们说真的来着!) We don’t play jokes!
      Rabbit2: Our king is the strongest in the world. Everyone in the forest is scared of 11 him.
      Rabbbit3: He says that he will challenge12 youandwillkick you out of the forest.
      The tiger becomes angry when he hears the news.
      Tiger: Tell me where your king is!I will fight with him and I will win.
      Rabbit1: Are you sure to meet him?
      Tiger: Why do you say that?
      Rabbit1: Our king will eat you for dinner if he sees you.
      Tiger: Really?I don’t believe that! I’m the king here! Please show me to him!
      Rabbit1: Are you really willing to go and see our king?
      Tiger: Yes. I don’t want him to take charge of the forest.
      Rabbit2: All right. But I suggest you should prepare a weapon13 for the fight.
      Tiger: A weapon?No, I don’t need14 touse a weaponto beat him.
      Rabbit3: Are you sure?You may regret15 it!
      After talking, the rabbits take the tiger to a big river. They stop by the river.
      Tiger: Hey, where is your king? I can’t see him.
      Rabbit3: Don’t be in a hurry. Our king is in the river. look at the water, please.
      The tiger walks to the river slowly and looks for the king carefully.
      Rabbit1: Mr. Tiger, can you see our king?
      Tiger: Is this guy16 your king?He looks so ugly17!.
      Rabbit2: Can you move close to18 our king?
      Tiger: Yes, of course I can.
      Rabbit3: Are you afraid to fight with him?You are so scared!
      The tiger looks at the king angrily. The king looks at the tiger angrily, too.
      The tiger shouts at the king. At the same time the king shouts back at the tiger.
      Tiger: You bad apple!(坏家伙!) Go to hell!(去死吧!) I’ll kill you!
      The tiger jumps into the river quickly. Time goes on and on, the tiger is never seen again. The rabbits win!
      Rabbit1: Oh, thank God! The tiger must have died!(肯定死了!)
      Rabbit2: He will never terrorize19 the forest!
      Rabbut3: We can live a happy life! Let’s celebrate20!
      Rabbits: Yeah!
      (1) sharp锋利的
      (2) at least至少
      (3) excited激动的
      (4 )brave 勇敢的
      (5) fight with 与……交战
      (6) the weak 弱小群体
      (7) slave 奴隶
      (8) in charge of掌控
      (9) innocent 无辜的
      (10) dare to 胆敢
      (11) be scared of害怕
      (12) challenge 挑战
      (13) weapon 武器
      (14) need 必须
      (15) regret 后悔
      (16) guy 家伙(口语)
      (17) ugly 丑陋的
      (18) move close to 靠近
      (19) terrorize恐吓
      (20) celebrate庆祝

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