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    时间:2019-02-07 04:45:40 来源:达达文档网 本文已影响 达达文档网手机站

      毕业于国内知名大学,托福、GRE成绩优异,拥有美国名牌大学的全额奖学金,签证官却两度对他说“不”。问题究竟出在哪里?   背景介绍:郭侠 男 中山大学应届本科毕业生 数学与计算科学学院 信息与计算科学专业 TOEFL610 GRE2230 被美国某知名大学录取获全奖
      Me: Good morning, sir.
      Visa officer: Good morning. Why do you go to us?
      Me: I will pursue my PhD in some University at mathematic department.
      Visa officer: You get full financial aid?
      Me: Yes, I get the full tuition waiver and teaching assistance.
      Visa officer: What are you doing now?
      Me: I am the undergraduate student in Zhongshan University and I will graduate in the coming June.
      Visa officer:You have been to Japan?
      Me: Yes, it was organized by Guangdong province education office and we communicated with Japanese university students and we visited Japanese university.
      Visa officer: What field?
      (那个visa officer在说field的时候没有发d的音,听起来很像fell, 纠缠了十几秒,我才知道他说的是field)
      Me: Mathematics.
      (这时visa officer就开始撕纸条准备给我visa了,本人自然是欣喜若狂)
      Visa officer: What specific major?
      Me: I would like to study statistics and actuary math.
      (这时visa officer的脸色一下就变了,气氛也紧张了起来,纸条也不再撕了)
      Visa officer: What will you do after graduation?
      Me: Working in an insurance company.
      (这时visa officer回过头来再看我的DS表,我就等着他问我下一个问题,过了7秒钟)
      Visa officer: I am sorry.
      Me: Why?
      Visa officer: I don"t believe you will come back.
      Me: Why you don"t believe?
      Me: Good morning, sir.
      Visa officer: Good morning. You will study in Auburn.
      Me: Yes.
      Visa officer: Who will pay for you?
      Me: Some University. I get the full financial aid.
      (然后visa officer看了我的I-20表)
      Visa officer: Do you know why you are refused last time?
      Me: Last time the visa officer asked me what I would do after my graduation, I said I would work in an insurance company. Then I had not time to show my material before he refused me.
      Visa officer: Do you take your material this time.
      Me: Yes, here.
      Visa officer:What is this?
      Me: This is protocol. I will work in PICC. Do you know PICC?
      Visa officer: Yes.
      Me: This is the protocol with PICC, I will work in this company after my graduation.
      Visa officer: What will you study?
      Me: Statistics and actuary math.
      Visa officer: How many universities give you offer?
      Me: Only one.
      Visa officer: How many universities you apply?
      Me: Six.
      (然后那个visa officer就不说话一直看我的DS表)
      Me: what I will do include organizes and analyzes data; make decision according to the result of data analysis. What I will study in auburn includes mathematics and some other courses, such as finance, insurance and so on.
      (那个visa officer还是一直看我的DS表,话也不说一句,给我的感觉基本就是对牛弹琴)
      Me: Sir, do you need me to go on speaking?
      Me: Sir, do you need me to answer any question?
      Visa officer: No.
      Me: Why?
      Visa officer: Next one……
      自我点评:我觉得最大的失败是签证官可能会以为就一个学校给我奖学金我都去,所以我有移民倾向。实际上,我应该主动说,如果我有移民倾向我就不会只申请6所学校了,我之所以只申请6所学校,是因为我有明确的目标才只选了6所学校。还有我应该把我导师的homepage递上去就好了。另外我应该在问完是否还需要我回答什么问题之后紧跟着说:Sir, I just want to study in this university, even myself I never think of staying in your country and if you think I have immigrant trend please ask me some more questions and I am confident I can erase your doubt and hesitate. I don"t want to destroy my future just because one or two sentences.

    相关热词搜索: 还会 下次 签证官 对我说

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